Monday, September 26, 2011

Lennie Enjoys Watermelon. The Exposition at Omaha Continues

Sunday, September 18, 1898
Went to Wayne with Fred. Went to Revival meeting.

Monday, September 19, 1898
Felt sleep. Went to band practice.

Tuesday, September 20, 1898
Went to social at Presb Church. (Presbyterian)
Social cost me 30 (?) cents.

Wednesday, September 21, 1898
Went out riding in morning with Ollie. (Lennie's sister who is married to Charles Schulz.)
Poffs to Omaha for 3 days.
(The Omaha Daily Bee continues with front page coverage of the Trans-Mississippi International Exposition...this week's visitors may possibly include the Poffs. It is a magnificent event and worthy of more than a single day's visit.)

Thursday, September 22, 1898
Felt ill all day.

Friday, September 23, 1898
Had a IOGT lecture in Presb. Ch.
Went to band practice.
The lecture would undoubtedly have been on abstaining from alcohol for that was the intent of the IOGT (International Organisation of Good Templars).

Saturday, September 24, 1898
Cecil & I went out after (wild) plums did not get any.

Sunday, September 25, 1898
A nice day. Went out after watermelons. Got all we could eat.

Monday, September 26, 1898
Bummed around the street with Cecil. Went to band practice in Opera Hall.

Tuesday, September 27, 1898
Lee ?? visited school. Band practiced on street.
(Josiah Davis, Lennie's father, is 61 years old today.)

Wednesday, September 28, 1898
Went out walking with two unknown friends.
(Lennie is not shy about naming his male acquaintances. I'm thinking his "unknown friends" may have been of the female persuasion.)

Thursday, September 29, 1898
Wrote a letter to Ellis P. (Ellis Paulson)
Band practiced on street.

Friday, September 30, 1898
Band played on street. Prof went to Omaha.

Saturday, October 1, 1898
Art came down and played in hall.

According to the Bee activities at the Exposition for September 30 include
  • Georgia Day.
  • Nebraska Pioneers' Day.
  • Children's Day.
  • Indians on Indian Congress Grounds.
  • Omaha Concert Band
  • Georgia Exercises at Auditorium.
  • Battleship Illinois Docked at Govt Building.
  • Fire Horses Hitched by Electricity.
  • Grand Japanese Day Fireworks on Plaza.
  • Innes' Band in Auditorium.
  • United States Life Saving Drill on Lagoon.
  • Organ Recital at Auditorium.
  • Santiago War Balloon Ascension.
  • Steriopticon War and Georgia Views, Fireworks and Cannon.
And in downtown Omaha today in conjunction with the Expo:
  • Sunday School Conference, First Methodist Church.
  • Bohemian Catholic Union, Metz Hall
  • Library Congress, Library Building
  • Art Congress, First Congregational Church
Page 5 of the Omaha Daily Bee reports sad follows:
John Svestka, a Bohemian living at 2327 South Nineteenth street, was seized with a peculiar mental disorder last night which necessitated his removal to the police station. He received the impression that there was an evil spirit about his premises which he must overtake and destroy. He raced madly about the house, driving the family out of doors, and finally threw all the furniture out of a window over the brink of a high bank. The spirit still eluded him however, and seizing an ax Svetska attacked an apple tree in the front yard, felling it in the hope of finding his enemy concealed at the center. He was finally overpowered and placed under arrest.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lennie Kills a Mouse in Chemistry

Today's photo is a picture postcard of Main Street in Wakefield, Nebraska some years prior to Lennie's diary of 1898. But by the year of the diary, not much had changed. There were still no cars on the street. No airplanes in the sky.

Sunday, September 11, 1898
Applegate preached his last sermon.
Had a union meeting.
(I'm almost certain Applegate "preached his last sermon" because of some mundane reason, such as retirement. Lennie's succinct statement almost makes it sound as if the poor fellow died, thus "preached his last sermon". )

Monday, September 12, 1898
A rainy day.
Arthur Shumway came home from War.

Tuesday, September 13, 1898
Another rainy day.
Pa built our coal house.

Wednesday, September 14, 1898
A clear day.
George Knuth (sp?) came home.
Am going to a party at Davises.
(I suppose this is the home of one of Lennie's older brothers.)

Thursday, September 15, 1898
Guy and Caus (sp?) went to Lincoln to school.
Went to Wayne after school to the Barbecue on horseback.
(Please be advised that Lennie "traveled to Wayne" on horseback. I very much doubt he went to a "barbecue on horseback". Perhaps you did not need me to explain that. *smile*)

Friday, September 16, 1898
Killed a mouse in chemistry.
(sp) man selling medicine on street.
Went to band practice.

Saturday, September 17, 1898
Did not do much.
